US Health warns of the danger of this virus and the rise in deaths.. Details


American health authorities have warned of an increase in West Nile fever deaths, after the death of a new case in New Jersey, according to the British Daily Mail.

Warning about the spread of West Nile fever virus

The US Department of Health confirmed that 5 of the 6 regions in Kansas were placed on high alert last week amid the resurgence of West Nile fever, which left 79 people dead in the United States last year.

The disease, which causes fever, headache and paralysis, entered the United States in 1999 and is transmitted by mosquitoes that live near ponds and ponds.

West Nile fever deaths in America

More than 1,000 pools have tested positive for the disease across New York City alone so far this year.

Environmental Protection Commissioner Shawn LaTourette told Citizens: Get rid of standing water in your garden, and cover or turn over any empty containers that can hold water for several days.

Health officials warned that the virus would spread to New York after the first summer case was discovered in New Jersey last July.

8 cases have been discovered so far in the Garden State, 6 of whom required hospital treatment, including the person who died in Bergen County, and 16 people were infected in New York City, which has witnessed 59 deaths from the disease since its appearance.

Symptoms appear in only 1 in 5 people infected with the virus, but they can be devastating in the worst cases.

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